Grandist Hive

How to reserve a tenant without any review on their profiles?

How to reserve a tenant without any review on their profiles?

People who want to spend vacations in some other country, place or city for refreshing their mind need a guest house to live till holidays. Different guesthouses provide shelter, lodgings, and food. Now in this century of technology, everyone first visits the online guest-house website and checks public reviews on their services, packages, and quality of all stuff. Then they decide about living there or moving towards any other resort.

Usually, it happens that a tenant comes to reserve your property, you do not find any reviews on his profile. This is sometimes possible as he/she might be new to the website. What should you need to do in such a case? Is opting for any other choice a better option??

Such types of questions come into your mind. Don’t worry because we have got you covered.


  • Try to find his profile or background on any other website.

The person may be new to that website. So, you can't judge anyone before getting to know him. Just take a quick tour to some other websites. Maybe you'll find his profile with some reviews on it.


  • Consult with your social circle

Many people do not leave a review even they have got a good connection with that tenant. So, all you can do is to ask your friends, relatives for assistance. Maybe they or their friends or someone else have given their property to them, they can better guide you.


  • Post on your social media accounts

Before taking any decision, post your question on social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Quora, etc. A huge community is available on these platforms. They might have experienced the same as you are facing now and can share their story with you, which can help you in taking good and satisfactory decisions.


Give at least a try

There are huge chances that the tenant is new that’s why there is no public review till now.



There are some possibilities that you can keep in mind and reserve a tenant without any public review. Maybe it becomes the best decision for your journey.

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